Legal Business Structure:

Project Swamp is best suited towards becoming an LLC.

  • The members of Project Swamp would not be held directly responsible in the case of a shutdown/ bankrupcy
  • Project Swamp doesn’t have to pay the typical business level entry taxes
  • Through an LLC, Project Swamp establishes credibility more-so than a sole proprietorship or partnership


  • The costs to start and maintain an LLC are much higher than a sole proprietorship or partner ship (state taxes/ fees)
  • Transferring ownership in the event of a management/ member turnaround is more complicated than a corporation.

Target Market:

Value Proposition:

Paradarium is a physics based web slinger VR title that aims to fully immerse the player through accurate mechanics that turn the player into their favorite Arthropod-Homosapien.


  • Fully released
  • Has all of the features that Paradarium will eventually have and more (Are they perfect? No, but that’s where Paradarium will come in.)
  • Has more features/ superpowers than just web-slinging
  • Rated #1 on the “Best Spider-Man VR game” list (specifically for fighting)
  • Fully released
  • Doesn’t have wall climbing but does the web-slinging justice.
  • Has an immersive story and an open world with side quests.
  • Rated #2 on the “Best Spider-Man VR game” list (specifically for swinging)

Distribution Channels:

Paradarium is currently available to download on (here). Future plans are to release on Steam (and the Oculus/ quest store, once fully released).

Funding Sources:

Once version 1.3 is released (adding time trials, wall running, and flipping) the game will be sold for $10 and increase in price upon release of 1.4 (the fighting update) (current price increase undecided). Ads for billboards throughout the cities will be sold as well as custom easter eggs that you can pay for and design.

Sales Channel Strategy:

Online (Steam and and a form of Ad based sales (Billboard Ads/ easter eggs) will be used to generate revenue.

Social Media Marketing Plan:

  • Instagram: Promote the game as well as interaction with customers/ supporters on a more casual basis (@projectswamp)
  • YouTube: Promote the game through trailers and devlogs

Both will be used as a place for answering questions that people have as well through videos similar to other game developers such as Megastorm Games (Shotgun Farmers) or Jean Nguyen (DinoSword).

The Customer Acquisition Costs currently are currently nothing as Project Swamp believes that with the progress of development (which can all be done for free, see pitch deck) the game will entice our target market without spending money on ads or assets.

Funding Options:

Start up costs: $0 (All assets and marketing can be done for free)

Development Funding Sources: O.C.P., a Kickstarter (once 1.3 is close to release), etc.

Sales Projection:

  • Selling Price: $10 once version 1.3 is released and increased by $5-$10 when version 1.4 is released.
  • ROI: All money made will be profit as development costs are currently $0.
  • Break Even Analysis: Again, all money made is profit.

Why this all matters to you!

Buying Paradarium is a great way to see into the mind of a Spider-Man Nerd and VR Enthusiast’s brainbox. Fully physics based swinging mechanics from the true pendulum motion of the swinging to the accurate web-pulling, the physics is immersive and the experience is thrilling! Ever want to re-enact the billboard scene from the first Spider-Man movie? Well here you can get an accurate encounter!

If you are not big on VR but do love Spider-People, investing is a great way to secure your mark on the VR game development industry. Investing can get you early access to new versions and development updates as well as billboards with YOUR, yes, YOUR company logo. If the “in your face” billboards are not your style, that’s fine. Project Swamp plans on implementing one-off, per-map easter eggs that players can search for (eventually leading to secret badges/ achievements in Steam). All granting you advertising like if you were showing an ad on the big screens of New York City or a hole in the wall pizza joint that everyone raves about.

Pitch Deck:

Paradarium Available Here:

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